The Argyle Medical Centre has been providing General Practice clinical health care and services
in the Goulburn Mulwaree and surrounding districts since 1991.
It was founded by
Dr. Ivan Wilden-Constantin
in response to the changes occurring in clinical approaches
to primary health care matters, and to make Specialist services more accessible to the people
of Goulburn and districts.

To gain accreditation, the Argyle Medical Centre has demonstrated the ability to deliver high quality and personal clinical primary care.
Our Doctors and Allied Health Professionals have undergone Quality Assurance and have under taken continual professional education to implement and maintain primary health care at the highest level.
We deliver comprehensive health care in a very safe environment and building.
Our Receptionists and Clerical Staff will address your enquiries and appointments in a professional, friendly and confidential manner.
Our staff provide our clientele with understanding, respect and care, which you have a right to expect. You are important to us.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We abide by the 10 national privacy Principles available at www.privacy.gov.au/health/index.htm
The Argyle Medical Centre provides free unlimited parking, in beautifully maintained gardens.
At the Argyle Medical Centre, we share the philosophy and commitment to providing health care and supporting you to achieve the best in well being.